Frequently Asked Questions

Do you design every card yourself?

Yes! Each card is hand-illustrated and designed, aspiring to create content for all occasions and situations. 

Is everything always free shipping?

No one ever said they enjoy paying for shipping. With the hope that everyone will take the effort and mail a card to encourage others, providing free shipping helps to eliminate any extra obstacles. Yes, It is always free.

Can I request a custom design?

I always love hearing about new ideas and inspiration! If you have something in mind I would love to accommodate if we can. Keep the ideas coming!

What is your return policy?

We are a down to earth company that understands the frustration of poor customer service or disappointing products. With this in mind, we will do everything in our power to get you as excited opening your card and the next person receiving it.

What is your privacy policy?

Our privacy policy can be found at this link. This outlines our use of cookies, creative copyright, and what details are collected.